The Big Get Together & Annual General Meeting 2024 - Registration Now Open


How we are performing

We are committed to being open and transparent about what we do and how we are performing. We set targets every financial year and our Board and tenants' committee, Gateway Central, regularly review performance against these targets.

You can read some information about how we are performing below:


We set targets every financial year and our Board and tenants’ committee, Gateway Central, regularly review performance against these targets. Check out how we are performing below.

0 of our properties have a valid Landlord Gas Safe Record
0 of our properties meet the Decent Homes Standard
0 of Electrical Installation Condition Reports completed by the renewal date
0 of tenants satisfied that CGA makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood
0 satisfaction that homes are well-maintained
0 of tenants very or fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by CGA
0 of tenants are very or fairly satisfied that their views are being listed to and acted upon
0 of complaints responded to within a set time
0 seconds is the average time taken to answer inbound telephone calls
0 of calls are answered

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

The Regulator of Social Housing introduced a series of measures to help them see how well housing providers are delivering services, making sure they are providing good quality homes and services. You can find details of our performance here.

Service Improvement Report

Our Complaint Performance and Service Improvement report details how the organisation has performed in 2023-24, the lessons learnt and the improvements made, all shaped from tenant feedback. You can read the full report, including feedback from our Board.