The Big Get Together & Annual General Meeting 2024 - Registration Now Open


Community Fund

We provide support and investment to local community groups and partners to deliver services that benefit our customers and communities, helping to make our neighbourhoods great places to live.

One of the ways we provide this support and investment to local communities is through our Community Fund.

In the last year, we have provided over £19,000 to support 22 projects across Preston to support Community Gateway tenants and the communities they live in, including Air Fryer Cooking Courses, Youth Boxing classes, cook and eat sessions, activities for elderly isolated tenants and loads more!

Group picture 2

Who can apply?
Both constituted and non-constituted groups operating within one of our local community areas.

How much can I apply for?
Constituted groups can apply for up to £1,000 per project and non-constituted groups up to £500 to support the delivery of activities that enhance the wellbeing of individuals and increase the services being delivered within our local communities.

What projects will you fund?
We will fund any projects which support the achievement of our Community Engagement priorities, helping individuals and groups to:

  • Reduce social isolation in older people
  • Reduce anti-social behaviour
  • Support tenancy sustainment - helping tenants to become more financially resilient / maximise their income

Project beneficiaries must be made up of 50% CGA tenants. If you are unsure, please speak to us first before completing an application.

Who makes the decision on whether applications are successful?
Our tenant panel meets quarterly to make decisions on applications.

I have a great idea but don’t know where to start?
No problem – share your idea with us via our quick and easy form below and a member of our team will be in contact to support you through the process.

I am not part of a group but have a great idea for my local community, can I apply?
Definitely! Our team will support you to submit your application and deliver your project. We want to empower local communities and residents to take a lead in developing projects which meet their needs and our team is on hand to provide support.

When is the next round of applications?
Meetings are held every six weeks, please call the Engagement and Communications team on 0800 953 0213 (option 6) to find out when the next panel meeting will be held.

When will I hear if I have been successful?
We will let you know within three working days of the panel meeting whether you have been successful.

What will I have to do once I have been awarded funding?
Once money has been allocated a member of our team will be assigned to your project, they will link in with you and provide support every step of the way to help you maximise the success of the project.

Will I need to complete an evaluation for my project?
Yes, we have a simple end-of-project evaluation form that our team will support you to complete. Our panel really wants to hear how the money has made a difference to our local communities. This is usually completed at the end of each project or quarterly depending on the length of the project.

I have been awarded money from the Community Fund before can I apply again?
Absolutely – we welcome applications for new projects all the time.

I need more than £1,000 for my project, should I still apply?
Yes – our team is on hand to support you to access other external funding streams to ensure your project is deliverable.

Find out how our Community Fund supported Beanstalk delivering Air Fryer cooking courses to 24 CGA tenants

Apply for the Community Fund