Meet our Boards and Committees
Meet the people who help Community Gateway make positive change
Meet the Board
CGA's Board consists of tenants, representatives from Preston City Council and independent recruits. They make important strategic and financial decisions, monitor our performance and develop plans to bring about positive change in our communities. Find out more about who they are below:

Phil Parramore
Chair of the Board
Phil Parramore
Chair of the Board

Michelle Allott
Vice Chair
Michelle Allott
Vice Chair

David Brown
Board Member
David Brown
Board Member

Greig Lees
Board Member
Greig Lees
Board Member

Julie Lynch
Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
Julie Lynch
Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
Sara Murphy
Tenant Board Member
Sara Murphy
Tenant Board Member

Siraz Natha
Board Member
Siraz Natha
Board Member

Pam Watson
Tenant Board Member
Pam Watson
Tenant Board Member

Allen Barber
Board Member
Allen Barber
Board Member

Lisa Breeze
Board Co-Optee Member
Lisa Breeze
Board Co-Optee Member

Phil Parramore
Chair of the Board

Michelle Allott
Vice Chair

David Brown
Board Member

Greig Lees
Board Member

Julie Lynch
Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
Sara Murphy
Tenant Board Member

Siraz Natha
Board Member

Pam Watson
Tenant Board Member

Allen Barber
Board Member

Lisa Breeze
Board Co-Optee Member
Meet our Committees
We also have multiple committees across the organisation - meet them below!
As a Gateway organisation, we are committed to making sure your voice is part of every conversation. The Gateway Central team is there to represent you.
Gateway Central is made up of tenants who are passionate about helping us improve our services. Gateway Central is a strategic tenant body which oversees the development and delivery of our Community Empowerment Strategy, monitors customer service performance and directs all tenant consultation activity. Gateway Central is a sub-committee of the Board.
Gateway Central's 'Terms of Reference' can be viewed here.
Gateway Central is made up of the following tenants:
- Steve Ashcroft
- Alex Butler (Chair)
- Jackie Dixon
- Chenelle Halsall
- Sue Lyons
- Lynne Lythgoe
- Lynda Pitt
- Pam Watson
The CGA Group’s Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for all aspects of internal and external audit activity including: the appointment of auditors, agreeing the annual audit programmes, reviewing the findings of audits and monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations. The Committee is also responsible for risk management and for overseeing health and safety arrangements.
The Committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The Audit and Risk Committee's 'Terms of Reference' can be viewed here.
The Committee has five members, all of whom are members of the CGA Board and there is currently one Co-optee serving on the Committee, as follows:
- Julie Lynch (Chair)
- Allen Barber
- David Brown
- Greig Lees
- Siraz Natha
Further information on each of the Committee members can be found above.
The CGA Group’s Governance and Remuneration Committee is responsible for assisting the Board in overseeing Governace-related matters and ensuring that the Board and Executive Leadership Team retain an appropriate structure, size and balance of skills to support CGA’s values and corporate objectives. The Committee has oversight of senior appointments, remuneration and succession planning. The Committee also reviews and makes recommendations to Board on the pay and benefits framework for all our colleagues.
The Committee meets at least twice a year.
The Governance and Remuneration Committee's 'Terms of Reference' can be viewed here.
The Committee has three members, all of whom are members of the CGA Board:
- Michelle Allott (Chair)
- Julie Lynch
- Phil Parramore
Further information on each of the Committee members can be found above.
Patterdale Developments Limited is a subsidiary company of CGA that has been established to support the delivery of the housing development programme. Patterdale Developments Limited is the principal design and build contractor for a number of CGA’s development schemes.
The Board of Patterdale Developments meets six times a year and its terms of reference can be found here.
The Board is made up of the three members of CGA’s Executive Leadership Team.
CGA Homes Limited is a subsidiary company of CGA which supports business growth by carrying out activities that CGA cannot undertake due to its charitable status such as developing homes for sale. The profits from CGA Homes Limited’s activities are then gift aided to CGA to reinvest in its core activities. CGA Homes Limited has not yet commenced trading.