Tenant voice - page header

Tenant Voice - making a change

We continually listen to our tenants' views,taking them into account when we make decisions about how we deliver our services. We let you know how and where your views have made a difference.

We know how important it is for tenants to see change when something isn’t right, so we make sure that any feedback we get is listened to and acted upon where possible.

We gather feedback through lots of different ways, including:

  • Online through our Tenant Hub and social media pages
  • Engagement activities – door-knocking / community activities / focus groups / Clean and Green Inspectors / Tenant Hub
  • Consultation surveys – these are targeted questions about specific services we ask tenants to help us improve
  • Partners – we gain feedback from our Community Partners
  • Scrutiny exercises – where tenants take a ‘deep-dive’ into a service area to give us feedback and make recommendations for improvement
  • Complaints – we use complaints to see where we can improve
  • Transactional surveys – this is your feedback on a service you have received
  • Conversations with CGA colleagues – this can be through door-knocking or at community events
  • Mystery shopping – this is where tenants ‘test out’ our services and give us feedback
Tenant meeting


At Community Gateway we have a clear commitment to amplifying the Tenant Voice, ensuring that tenants’ views are sought and listened to on any changes we are making. Before we make a change to any service, we work with our tenants to make sure that we understand their needs and reflect these in any changes we make We do this through consultation activities which we deliver through a variety of methods to maximise the number of tenants we hear from. These include in-person, online, written and telephone opportunities. Our tenant committee, Gateway Central, oversees all consultation activities, ensuring we are seeking the Tenant Voice throughout, and that we have heard from a wide and diverse range of tenants before making any changes.

We recently carried out consultation around our Community Empowerment, Community Investment and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategies. These sessions allowed tenants to help us set the priority areas for each strategy and helped us to develop our Engagement Framework. To read more about this activity please click here

We have also been working with tenants to develop a brand-new set of customer commitments. We began this consultation by carrying out an online survey to allow us to gain tenants’ views on how we can raise their satisfaction levels, along with finding out what good customer service looks like to them. The findings from the survey were then reviewed by a wider tenant group at a consultation session at the end of July, when we worked with tenants to start to agree what their main priorities are in this area began to develop the commitments with them. The feedback from this meeting will now allow us to create a new set, which will go out for further consultation before being agreed.

To register your interest in future consultation activities please call 0800 953 0213 (option 6) or email get.involved@communitygateway.co.uk


Together with Tenants Charter

We are proud to be an adopter of the Together with Tenants Charter: a sector-wide initiative which aims to strengthen the relationships between landlords and their tenants. The Charter sets out what tenants can expect from us as their landlord, and supports our approach to increasing the Tenant Voice throughout the organisation. To find more about the commitments we have signed up to and to read the full Charter, click below.

You said, we did

There are many things happening at Community Gateway that are in response to tenant feedback. Take a look below at some examples.

  • Text message appointment reminders
    You said
    you wanted to receive repairs appointments and reminders by text message

    so we introduced a text message system into our repairs appointment service.

  • Reducing social isolation in older people
    You said
    you wanted support with reducing social isolation in older people

    so we have worked with several partners to introduce a free activities programme for older tenants to enjoy.

  • Changing op working hours
    You said
    you wanted more choice of repairs appointment times

    so we changed the working pattern of our operatives so we can now offer a greater range of evening and weekend appointments.

  • IMG_6596
    You said
    you wanted online opportunities to get involved

    so we introduced our Tenant Hub and Tenants Only Facebook Group, providing you with a quick and easy way to find out about and take part in our activities.

  • Changed phone lines
    You said
    you wanted to speak directly to teams when calling us

    so we changed our phone system and now all calls go directly to the specialist team you need.

  • Focusing on ASB
    You said
    you wanted us to only deal with neighbourhood issues that are our responsibility

    so we will focus on dealing with anti-social behaviour issues which are our responsibility and provide you with information on what should be reported where.

  • GYN font 12
    You said
    you wanted the text in our tenant newsletter, Gateway News, to be bigger

    so we now produce the document in font size 12.

  • Winter warmer session
    You said
    you are struggling with the cost of living

    so we delivered several activities to support you to sustain your tenancy including cooking-on-a-budget, winter warmer sessions and cost-of-living workshops.

  • Making a complaint online
    You said
    you wanted to be able to easily make a complaint online

    so we added a complaint reporting button on the homepage of our website.

  • Colette-on-the-phones
    You said
    you wanted to know what number you are in the queue when calling our repairs service

    So we have introduced call-waiting position numbers for all incoming calls to our repairs team.