Since 2022 energy companies have reported that the tampering of electrical meters has increased by over 400% and continues to do so. We have noticed an increase in the bypassing of meters in our properties and as such, due to the serious health and safety risks this poses, action needs to be taken to prevent any serious incidents or fatalities.
Illegal meter tampering was identified as the cause of a fire that gutted the above property and led to a woman’s death. Police say the fire was started by a spark from a prepayment meter that had been illegally bypassed.
In the past three months, we have identified five properties where the meters have been bypassed. Those properties were all either mid-terraced or within blocks of flats and is, therefore, a huge risk to other residents. In October 2024, we obtained Immediate Possession Orders against two properties due to them tampering with their meters. One property consistently refused access to our operatives for mandatory checks to be completed. An application was made to the Courts to allow access and upon entering the property, we discovered the meter had been tampered with. Proceedings for possession are being prepared for this and a fourth property.
We are aware that some people will offer to provide you with electricity for a fixed monthly fee. Just to make it clear – if you are paying anyone other than a named energy supplier for your electricity, it is more than likely they have bypassed your meter.
We recognise that times are hard and the cost of electricity continues to rise together with the cost of living. For a two week period (Monday 25th November - Sunday 8th December), we will not take any tenancy-related action against you if you report bypassing of your meter to us. If your meter has been tampered with, you can report this to us immediately by:
- Emailing -
- Calling - 0800 953 0213 (option 5)
We will work with you and provide advice on how to rectify the situation. However, if we discover any unreported tampering, after this date, legal action will be considered.
If you are struggling with the cost of your energy, our Tenancy Support Team can provide advice and guidance, you can contact them by:
- Emailing -
- Calling - 0800 953 0213 (option 4)
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